
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Three months old!

I am becoming quite the awful blogger recently. Not like I have the free time to do much of anything!

David turned three months old yesterday and is growing like crazy. I'm 99% sure he went through a growth spurt this week because he has been eating like crazy! He is also really loving daycare. When I bring him in the door he looks around at all the colors and starts smiling. He also has a girlfriend at daycare! He's pretty young but apparently already a charmer! Him and his girlfriend Juliet enjoy laying on the floor next to each other and smiling. So CUTE!

He has also learned to roll from his back to his stomach. The girls at daycare were the first ones to tell me and I thought they were lying. Later in the week I had him on the floor while I was cleaning and saw him rolling from his back to his stomach. Matt and I were in shock! He is also much more animated. He is now laughing and smiling all over the place. He also enjoys playing with his toys. He is finally old enough to play with them instead of looking at them with complete confusion.

We got David's three month photos taken on Tuesday and I am supposed to get them back on Tuesday. I can't wait to see them! He did really well until the end. We were getting ready to leave and I was carrying him. He managed to spit up all over her wood floor! I felt so bad! We did some naked pictures so I was surprised he didn't pee, but he decided spit up was more appropriate.

The crazy thing about David being three months old is that I've been back at work for one full month. I'm finally getting into a groove and start my new 7:30-4:30 schedule tomorrow. I'm actually pretty excited to go to work earlier (since I'm up at 6 anyway!) and come home a little bit earlier. It took me longer than I thought it would to get used to being away from David, but since I know he loves daycare it doesn't bother me anymore. Matt is working like crazy now that school is back in session, but he gets to babysit David during the day. David gets equal time with Matt and I and then some time at daycare. It's really nice that we both get time with him.

We spent the weekend (especially yesterday!) inside with Buster, Bella and David. It rained pretty much all week so the backyard is a mess! David was asleep in his swing and I was cuddling with Buster and Bella on the floor. It was this moment that I realized how much I love my new life. Life before was great with just the four of us, but having David here makes life so much more enjoyable. And now for the cutest picture you've ever seen. Yes, it really is that cute.

It's been quite chilly here recently, especially yesterday with the rain. We bought him this adorable bear hat! It also has matching mittens.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Two Month Appt. and Baptism

We sure have been busy since I wrote my last blog so I have a bunch to catch up on!

I went back to work last Tuesday. I have to admit that I cried multiple times throughout the day, but of course everything was fine. Work was freaking ridiculous though and I'm still catching up! Luckily we had a babysitter (our friend Emily!) to watch David for a few days before we could bring him to daycare. It was a nice practice schedule for me so I could figure stuff out before daycare. I have to admit that I'm not digging being back at work, but I do like being away from the house and I know it's better for David to experience other things.

David was baptized over the weekend!! My sister Tricia, parents, and our friend Seth visited to big town Montrose for a few days. It was great having them all here and I was extremely sad when they had to leave. Tricia is David's godmother (and aunt!) and Seth is his godfather. Mass went really well for the most part and David didn't mind the extra bath! In our church, they strip down to their diapers and are laid in warm holy water and then more is dumped over their head. Surprisingly David didn't mind it at all! Granted the water was really warm and even I thought it felt good! He started screaming after this because he was naked, wet, and FREEZING in the air conditioning. Luckily aunt Tricia came to the rescue and put him to sleep until the end of mass. We went back home for a small celebration and David decided to have a blow out in his beautiful white baptism outfit. Never fails!

David had his two month doctor visit. He is almost 14lbs and 24 inches long!! He is a growing boy for sure!! He also had his first set of shots. Matt said he did pretty well until he got so upset he ran his head into the wall. It made me feel better that it happened at the DOCTOR'S office! He was asleep when I came home from work and then work up screaming, poor kiddo. I rocked him back to sleep but he was so upset he wouldn't even take his bottle. I managed to give him some tylonel and get him to settle down a bit so he would eat. He ate his bottle, slept 9.5 hours and woke up a much happier baby. Luckily we have had no other issues from the shots!

David had his first full day at daycare today. Our provider just added on a HUGE addition. We absolutely love all the teachers and David loves all the bright colors! Apparently he was pretty clingy today, but hopefully he gets past this part after he gets more comfortable!!

On another note, everybody at daycare claims David looks just like me. I just don't see it. Opinions anyone? :)

And I added one of our new photos to the top of the blog. I decided I needed some family photos for my desk at work. Our friend Joe took them for us. LOVE the one I posted! Here is my next favorite!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to Work

David is just over seven weeks old at this point and growing like a weed!! He has securely moved into size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. He's eating like crazy, but that's no surprise! He had an extremely cranky week last week which our friend, nurse Jeana, told us it was probably a growth spurt. He ate tons and slept a lot, but the times he was awake he was a mess! Poor kid just couldn't catch a break! In other news, I go back to work next Tuesday. I've already had a couple of crying episodes because I just don't want to leave my darling boy! I'm pretty depressed, but know I have to in order to pay bills and ultimately give us a better life.

Parenthood is definitely becoming more normal for us now. I feel like I'm feeding all day, but ultimately love being a mom. I have learned so much already this last 1.5 months. First- babies can and will cry when they are tired. Who knew? Secondly- on most days I would much rather sleep and give up some sleep time. Third- Dirty diapers can and most likely will occur every hour.

The most important thing parenthood has taught me is that friends can't always be friends. Our lives have changed so much since college. We got married, moved away and are now starting a family with David and the dogs. I've began to realize that some people just can't handle it. It's unfortunate that having a baby is what changes your life and your friendships, but I guess it's a good thing to figure out who your real friends are earlier rather than later. It does make me extremely happy to have the friends and family that I have though. Just need to learn not to take my true friends for granted and ignore those that aren't going to support me.

I'll end with some pics of the little guy!

And finally a Happy 21st Birthday to my little brother!!!!! Happy Birthday Patrick!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

One month old!!

Okay so I'm a little late with this post considering David turned one month old on the 17th, which was LAST week. So maybe this post is 5 weeks old instead?

It has been a crazy month, but I'm still in awe at how fast it went. We've gone through lots of changes in the last month, but we're finally setting into a groove. As many of you know David went from 9 lbs 14 oz at birth to 9 lbs 1 oz at the first dr. appt. He then stayed at 9 lbs 3 oz for two weeks so I had to switch to pumping and feeding. It has been an adjustment, but it makes me feel much better knowing he's eating what he needs. Well from the Thursday I switched to the Saturday weight check he gained 4 oz, which I found amazing! We had his one month checkup on Tuesday and he went all the way to 10 lb 15 oz!!! Apparently pumping and feeding is going well!! He is also up to about 22 inches long so he has gained about an inch since birth. The doctor did tell us he has an "above average" sized head, lol. I'm not surprised though because I always kind of thought his head was a little oversized, but it's so adorable I don't care!!

New developments: he has gained quite a bit of head control and has started smiling! He now does the "full face" smiles, which I absolutely love. He's also more alert now. I enjoyed all the sleep in the beginning, but it is nice that he now focuses on me and follows me.

I've had quite a few people ask me about how the dogs are doing with David. And quite frankly, they're doing great! They are super protective now, which I think is quite endearing. They like to lick his toes, but David isn't sure how to react to that yet. When they get close to his face though he gets really wide eyes. I think he's finally getting used to his brother and sister!

In other news: grandma and grandpa Strathman came to visit! They had a great time snuggling and holding David and I'm sure David loved it too! They also brought him his new favorite thing: his swing! We didn't buy one at first because we wanted to give the vibrating bounce chair a try first. He does enjoy his bouncy chair, but he LOVES LOVES his swing!! If he's even a little bit tired we put him in the swing and he's OUT! Like now for example. I fed him and he started yawning so I put him in the swing. He fussed a bit because of a wet diaper, but eventually fell asleep. And what am I doing instead of sleeping?

His uncle Eric, Aunt Tricia, and cousins came to visit also! They went on vacation in Los Angeles and came by here on their way back to Kansas. The girls absolutely loved him!

Now here are some new pictures of the little guy...ENJOY! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two Weeks Old!!

David has been here for just over two weeks and it has FLOWN by! I can't believe he's already that old!! I've finally got the hang of this nursing thing and it's going much better than it was in the beginning. The only bad thing is that I feel like I'm nursing ALL the time! I'm literally nursing 8 hours a day. It's basically a full-time job!! We've been to the doctor and to the hospital multiple times for doctor appointments and feeding consults since he was born so I'm sure he's tired of it!!

He got circumcised last week and is dealing with it quite well. I'm not sure how I'd feel about something like that, but he didn't' seem to mind too much!! He lost 13 oz. between birth and the first doctor appointments and then gained two ounces before the next one so we're on the right track. He has a weight check again tomorrow so we'll see where he is then. I'm hoping he continues to gain weight. I think he's going through a growth spurt this week because he seems to want to eat all the time!!

Other than that, we're trying to adjust to life at home with a baby. Matt went back to work last week so I was on my own, but things weren't too bad! My parents are coming next week so I'm excited to see them and to have them see David.

Now for some photos!! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

He's here!!! :)

I would apologize for the lack of posting, but we've been pretty busy around here!

As I wrote on my last blog, I decided to get induced last week. We went in Thursday morning at 5 a.m. to start the process. They started me on a low dose medication to jumpstart labor. I didn't feel much until early afternoon. I started getting HORRIBLE back labor. I wasn't feeling any contractions except in my back and they were awful. I jumped around on the yoga ball and moved around a bunch and that seemed to help. The unfortunate news was that I wasn't progressing. That night they started me on pitocin and kept upping the dosage. We ended up at a dosage of 16/20 before my contractions started getting even. At this point my back pain was EXCRUCIATING. I was crying during almost every one, but still wasn't having much progression. Friday morning my doctor came in and I was given the opportunity for an epidural. Originally I didn't want any pain medication, but it hurt so bad I didn't care. The epidural wasn't actually that bad and I don't regret it for a minute. She then broke my water. I was really comfortable so I napped for two hours. The nurse came in to check me and I was at 10 cm (from 4 that morning!) and was ready to push.

He was anterior, which means instead of facing upwards when you come out he was upside down so his head had to do extra work to push through. My epidural wore off about 45 minutes before the end, but the back pain actually helped. I think it gave me the motivation to push. Like, this hurts so bad...just finish it! It ended up taking a couple hours of pushing, but at 2:04 MST Friday David James Lindberg arrived!!

He ended up being bigger than anybody thought tilting the scales at a whopping 9 lbs 14 oz. Even my doctor didn't know he would be THAT big. My nurses all gave me major kudos though for going through it. Considering they gave me a 50% of needing a c-section I was amazed I made it.

Overall- the labor experience was pretty awful but like they always say, all the pain gets forgotten after he gets here!! It has been extremely overwhelming, but he's great and Matt and I are both extremely blessed.

Now for some pictures!

The new addition!

First family photo! I look disgusting, but as Matt reminds me... I was in labor for almost 40 hours!

Going home!

Proud daddy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

News!!! :)

I do have some actual news for this blog. I am officially 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant, which basically means I have a huge, 30 lb. basketball under my shirt and my entire body hurts. I really didn't start getting uncomfortable until just a couple of weeks ago, but now I'm over being pregnant. My hips hurt, my feet hurt, my sides hurt, my back hurts and quite frankly I'm exhausted. I haven't been able to sleep, partially because of the extra weight and partially because of having to go to the bathroom every five minutes. I now understand why women at the end of their pregnancies are so grumpy!

I went to the doctor on Thursday and told her how I've been feeling and she asked if I wanted to set an induction date. I'm pretty scared of inductions because I've heard tons of bad stories, but quite frankly I can't be pregnant for much longer. I'm working up to the point of contractions and it definitely hasn't been easy. I am almost 2 cm dialated and about 70% effaced (out of 100%) so I'm definitely making progress. I just know he won't show up on time to be stubborn! Cute little thing! So I went ahead and set an induction date for next week. If he decides not to show up on his own we will be headed to the hospital Wednesday night to start the process and should have a baby by Friday at the latest. Like I said, I'm not thrilled by the idea of being induced, but I can't be this uncomfortable for much longer so I'm hoping he shows up on his own before Wednesday night. It is weird to have a date though, like it all becomes much more real. By this time next week we'll be parents and David will be here. The whole pregnancy went super fast, but I'm excited for him to finally be here!!

In other news:

GO MAVS!!! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Adventures in Baby Land

Not a whole lot of news in the Lindberg household except that we're patiently awaiting the arrival of David. The nursery is pretty much done at this point, but we still have a TON of household cleaning to do before he gets here. We hope to get some housework done this weekend! We're also going to see the Hangover 2 and eat some Olive Garden in Grand Junction tomorrow as our last official date day before David gets here. That seems scary.

Went to the doctor yesterday and received all good news. I was negative for the GBS test, which means I won't need antibiotics during delivery. I'm also 1cm dialated, which means virtually nothing except that my body knows what it's doing on the baby front, which is always a good thing! I was also excited to hear that he is head down. I was breech (butt first) when I was born so I was worried genetics would repeat itself, but not this time! I hope that's the same when we find out how much he weighs. I was 9.5 lbs when I was born!

The only thing that is scary now is the waiting. My doctor basically said that anytime I go into labor is fine because I'm now considered full-term so contractions are perfectly normal. She doesn't think I'll be super early since this is my first child, but I guess we'll see. Matt still thinks he'll be here around the 9th or 10th of June. I think he'll come later, at least by a couple of days but we'll see who wins.

I do have one piece of news on the dog front too! The other day we were watching the dogs run around outside and saw that Bella had something in her mouth. We assumed it was a piece of bone we had given them earlier. We called her up on the porch and had her drop....a BIRD. Yes, a bird. She looked so proud of her discovery too, like "mom, dad, look what I brought you!" I was thoroughly grossed out and refused to touch it. I made Matt get some plastic bags and we picked it up and disposed of it. We're pretty sure she didn't kill it since she wasn't trying to eat it or anything. She was just carrying it around and playing with it. Needless to say we didn't let her lick us for a while, eww. Buster and Bella are part retriever so it makes sense that she would "retrieve" the dead bird for us. I just hope she doesn't do it again.

Other than that, we're looking forward to David's arrival so we will keep everybody updated when the special day occurs. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busy Weekend!!

Now that we're officially under the 30 day mark until David gets here I figured I'd write now before I got too overwhelmed! We got TONS done this weekend, even though Matt had to do some work (go figure!). On Saturday our good friends Dan and Renee threw us a baby shower for our friends here in Montrose. It started off being a GORGEOUS day, but ended up getting kind of stormy later on. We had tons of good food, games and good friends. They were such great hosts!!

The delicious cake! Isn't it cute?

Look how huge I look!

I took yesterday afternoon off and tried to rest as much as possible. I really need to start my homework for my Economics class since I'm trying to work a week ahead so that when I go into labor I won't put myself in a huge bind. I wanted to work on some yesterday, but decided that taking a nap seemed like a better option. That just means I'll need to work my butt off this week!!

We woke up today and knew we had to get tons done! We brought Buster to get groomed and shaved, which worried me to death. Buster, as you well know from pictures, has incredibly long fur, which makes him look really fluffy and adorable. It's just been too hot here and he pants all the time! We just figured he'd be much cooler (and wouldn't shed as much!) without all of his fur. He ended up looking pretty darn adorable! Such a stud muffin!

He looks so cute!

I also got a chance to go through presents from yesterday and put stuff away. I also got the rest of the baby clothes (for now!) washed. Matt mowed the yard and ended up almost breaking the mower so I had to take lots of breaks!! And finally, we packed the bag for the hospital. FINALLY. I had been putting this off for almost three weekends in a row now, but I knew now that we're getting somewhat close I should get it done!

I'll close with some pictures of the nursery. We added some wall decor, etc. It's still not completely done, but it's pretty darn close!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the fabulous mamas, especially to my own mother.

My mom and I weren't really all that close when I was in high school, mostly because of my teenage attitude. Like most teenage girls, you start to hate your mom because she "doesn't understand" or some garbage like that. After I graduated high school I learned that my mom is pretty fantastic. One, she has raised SEVEN kids. Seven kids is completely unheard of today for many reasons, but mostly because I don't think every set of parents could handle it. Considering she raised seven kids, three of them being "teenage" girls, she did a pretty darn good job. My mom was always there for me, even when I claimed to dislike her and looking back on it, I was pretty hard on her. Everybody think that their mom is the best, but my mom has got be up there. She's a strong, hard-working, amazing woman who has taught me everything I need to know about being a great mom.

This was "technically" my first mother's day. Even though David isn't really here yet, everybody told me that this still counts as me being a mother. I totally agree. I mean, I've had to take care of him for almost eight months so that has to count!! Matt was super sweet and got me a few Mother's day presents. He bought me Black Swan, which we watched together in theaters and totally loved and The King's Speech, which I haven't seen but have mentioned about a billion times. Any kind of decent historical movie always interests me a little and the fact that Colin Firth is in it really entices me. Buster and Bella also got me a gift. They bought me "The Warblers" CD from Glee. I am absolutely in love with the guy who plays Blaine and his voice literally makes me weak in the knees. The sweetest and best thing I got was the card, yes the card. Matt traced Buster and Bella's pawprints into the card and wrote "Thanks for taking care of us, Love Buster and Bella." It was by far the cutest thing I've ever seen. Overall- a great first mother's day and next year's will be even better because David will actually be here!!

In other news- we've spent all weekend taking care of poor, poor Bella. We went on a walk yesterday because it's been GORGEOUS here this weekend and we were almost done when she started limping. I figured she had a sticker in her foot so I picked up her paw to look and noticed her foot was bleeding. She must have got her nail stuck on something and it snagged so her nail split. She wasn't putting ANY pressure on it so you know it had to hurt. Matt ended up having to carry her across a field to put her in the car and we brought her to the vet. The vet said we could have yanked out the nail ourselves, but quite frankly we were nervous about causing more issues. The vet pulled out the nail, gave her some pain medication, and wrapped her foot in a cute bandage. I spent all day yesterday making her rest by me and make sure she didn't bite off the bandage. Granted she bit it off overnight anyways, but at least she kept it on for 18 hours or so. She spent most of yesterday limping around on three paws and as cute as it looked made me extremely sad. I hate seeing her in so much pain. Today she put quite a bit more pressure on it and was actually attempting to walk on it so it must be getting a little better. She still limps around a little, but it looks like it's getting better. Poor Bella!

Notice the blue bandage on her paw!!

In other news- we put up some decor in the baby room today so I need to post some photos. I'll try to get some up for next week's blog!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Moving Along

I didn't realize it had been such a long time since we've posted anything on here! We have been busy at work getting David's room ready. I know that some women claim that their pregnancy takes forever, but mine feels like it's been going extremely fast!! As of today I am 34 weeks along, which means I have approximately six weeks left or according to my Mommyhood, 42 days! I absolutely can't believe how quick things have gone! As I was telling Matt I could go into labor with a healthy baby in as early as TWO weeks. TWO...AHH!!!!

My doctor says that since it seems like it has gone quickly, I must have had an easy pregnancy. Honestly, I really have. Other than the occasional heartburn and nausea I really can't complain. Currently I haven't been able to get comfortable so sleep has been a problem. I think I toss and turn from side to side about 40 times a night, which is awful. The worst part of pregnancy right now is all of the random pains. I wake up with random side pain or stand up to random side pain or something. I know I'm headed towards the end so I'm just trying to enjoy what is left of resting!

We've been hard at work on David's room and should be ready to post pictures soon. I got all of his clothes and blankets washed this weekend so at least that is done! All of his furniture is put together also! I have another baby shower next weekend so hopefully that will fill in for some of the final things we need. We need to install the car seat, but we're going to have the fire department do that on Monday. At least we'll know it's done correctly?

I'll be sure to post some photos soon, but otherwise keep checking back for updates!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kansas fun and the adventure continues...

I feel like life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately, so it was nice to finally get away. Matt and I traveled the amazing 13 hours back to Kansas to visit friends and family. We managed to fit in all of our favorite things, such as time on the KU campus, Valentino's buffet (yum!), and all of our amazing friends and family. It was a super long drive, but it didn't seem like it took as long this time as last (probably because we were looking forward to it!) The main reason we went back was because my mom, sisters, and friends decided to throw me baby showers!!

My sisters and mom threw the first shower on Saturday. We played a couple of games, including the one where you melt candybars in diapers and then you guess which ones they are, and opened presents. The candybar game was a blast, even though I wasn't nearly as good at guessing candy as I thought!! I also got some pretty fantastic presents, but I really enjoyed seeing my family.

Here I am enjoying the cake and punch. Look at how adorable that punch is!

I love this picture. It looks like my mom and aunt are super confused!

We traveled to Lawrence on Sunday where some of our good friends threw us a co-ed baby shower. We enjoyed TONS of amazing food and opened up some more adorable presents! It was great to see all of our best friends, just wish our visit had lasted longer. We have some amazing friends and it's sad that we can't see them more often!

Here are a few pictures from the second shower!

I'm also into my third trimester. I can not believe how fast time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now I'm 11 weeks from being done! We are both anxious for David to make his appearance! Matt's dad and brother came into town this weekend and helped us move some stuff around. We moved the guestroom into the front office and started on David's room. Matt and his dad assembled the crib while Matt's brother assembled the rocker. They also helped us put together the car seat and stroller. Now all we need is a changing table/dresser and some decorations on the wall and we'll almost be ready for him!

I'll post some pictures on the next blog of where we're at with the room so far! Look forward to those!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Kicks and Utter Awesomeness!

It has been quite an interesting couple of weeks with some new and interesting developments. First- I have started to feel actual kicks! At first I just felt flutters, which were fun, but not as great as the real thing. One night I was lying in bed and all of a sudden *kick* *kick.* I texted Matt and made him come feel too! And now I feel it all of the time. It's not really time specific, but it kind of tickles so it makes me giggle. It's probably the best thing about being pregnant so far!

Second- Matt won some awards for his work at the newspaper! I'm probably going to butcher these, but there are two organizations which offer these awards. One is the Colorado Associated Press and one is the Colorado Press Assoc. (I think!) Matt won first place for best sports story (YAY!) and also won first place for best SPOT news coverage with another reporter because of their awesome coverage on a missing DJ. Matt was obviously excited about both awards, but ecstatic about the sports coverage! After all of the hard work he has been putting in, it's good to know he's being recognized for it! It's also been nice to meet some of the people Matt deals wtih. I met one of the coaches the other day at Bresnan and he couldn't say any nicer things about Matt. It's good to know that people do actually see all of the long nights and weekends he puts in. I mean, the guy works pretty much 7 days a week. There is no such thing as a day off for him.

Third- TWO WEEKS UNTIL KANSAS!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure I've ever been this excited about a vacation. Work has been killing me recently and I could definitely use a break. The only downfall is we have to board the dogs for a week. We figured that the money we're paying is definitely worth the piece of mind we'll be getting by letting our vet take care of them. Hopefully they will be smart enough to let them stay together because they HATE being apart!! There are so many reasons I'm looking forward to this trip! 1) Baby showers (CAN'T WAIT!!!) 2) Seeing my sisters and family 3) Seeing friends, hopefully. 4) Seeing my parents. I've learned to miss my parents much more now than I live so far away and only get to see them once a year. Neither of us are really looking forward to the drive, but we've already decided that people are going to have to come visit us! Driving 13 hours to Kansas will not be happening in 2012, especially with a newborn! I'm especially not excited because I found out I have a test to take sometime between Wednesday night-Saturday night, which means I'll have to work on it while I'm at home trying to vacation in Kansas. The plan is to work on as much as I can during the drive and hopefully finish a majority of it before we hit Seneca Wednesday evening.

I don't have any fun photos for this one because I'm still trying to catch Buster and Bella "bobbing" for ice cubes in their water bowl. Yes, it's hilarious but no, I can't seem to catch it on camera.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New and Improved

First, I apologize for the lack of posting lately. It seems like we've had so much going on lately with work, school, and baby stuff. Nothing too exciting has been going recently, but here's a small recap.

One, I'm 22 weeks along in my pregnancy, with the 23rd week starting on Tuesday. I also get to see the doctor again and have about a billion questions. I'm starting to get much bigger and it's much easier to tell I'm pregnant now instead of just "chubby," which is how I felt before.

Two, Matt has been working like a madman. Not like that is anything different than usual. He's been working from home on Saturday's covering basketball games and wrestling. Luckily, he's been getting tons of good comments, which I think just proves he's doing a good job. He also turned 25 last week. I've been telling him how weird it is that he's in his mid-20's, but in reality, it's not such a big deal.

Third, the dogs are crazy! They've been doing some extremely cute, and sometimes annoying things lately. It's been crazy cold here so for a while, Bella was just refusing to go outside. We'd open the back door, let Buster run out and Bella would run away. She's getting better now that it's in the 50's, but still funny. They've also been doing some funny things in the snow. Today we came back from our walk and let them play in the front yard. Our house faces north so all of the snow that drifted up there that we were too lazy to shovel is still up there. They both laid in it for a while, then Buster would slide around in it and start rolling. Oh, the days I wish I had my camera! We've also learned that Bella loves to watch TV. Her favorites are sports, Conan, and Dancing with the Stars. She turns her head while watching so I'm pretty sure she's paying attention.

I officially made it through my human resource class and started Managerial Finance this week. I'm a big nervous for the 7-8 page paper I have due next Sunday, but I'm hoping to finish group homework today so I can dedicate the rest of my week to it. We also had some family in town for the last few days, which was a nice break. Matt's mom, uncle, and cousin came to visit and we had fun hanging out and relaxing. His mom also bought the cutest ever Derrick Rose onesie for the baby. It's officially the first piece of baby clothing for David, since I have yet to buy any. Other than that, we're looking forward to going back to Kansas next month and I'm trying to survive school while fitting in everything else I want to accomplish. I'm willing to bet that will be a problem for quite a while. :)

Now for some cute pictures.

Bella watching TV.

Bella's new favorite place to sleep.

The adorable Derrick Rose onesie

My growing baby bump at 21 weeks. Normally I'm against this type of photo, but I think it's important to show how big I look already.

Buster's favorite way to sleep- on his back, while rolling around and growling

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's a............


We had our second ultrasound at 19 weeks yesterday and it was the prefect time to see gender. We were a little concerned because our cute little boy decided he wanted to take a nap for the first 20 minutes so the ultrasound tech wasn't sure we'd be able to tell. I almost started crying because I was so tired of waiting!! She took tons of pictures of the cute boy including the four chambers of his heart (yes you can see this!), and his kidneys. She also took the size of his brain, his femur (the bone in his thigh), and his tummy. It was so fun to see every little part of him! The tech had me turn on both of my sides to see if she could get him to move and he did...just long enough for her to tell us it's a boy!! I turned over on my back again and she looked at the spine and then...THE MONEY SHOT! ^ He moved just long enough for us to get the above shot! The only downfall is that we couldn't get a good face shot because the little guy wouldn't face camera! Basically we have a stubborn, somewhat lazy and tired, camera shy little boy...he's just like his mommy!

Another cute moment was when we got to keep watching him sleep with his arms near his head. First, behind his head then one near his brow, etc. This is adorable because it's the same way I sleep! I always have an arm above my head, next to it, or I'm laying on it. I started crying when we saw this.

We were extremely surprised because we were both thinking girl, but are both happy. Matt is extremely ecstatic that he now gets to watch baseball instead of ballet and we get our little Mavericks fan. We've decided on David James for the little one, after both of our dads. Both my dad and Matt's are the best ever and we couldn't be luckier to have them both in our lives. And for this reason- our little one couldn't be more blessed to have such amazing grandfathers in his life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 In Review

Matt and I spent New Years Eve alone at home. We watched "Get Him to the Greek" and I went to bed at 11:00. I tried hard to make it to midnight, but just couldn't handle it!
We were commenting on how fast this year has gone and after thinking about it, it feels like this year just flew by!! Here is a recap of the fantastic year we had!

I turned 23 and started grad school. As most of you know, it's going much better than I ever anticipated!

Matt turned 24 in February and we went on our honeymoon to the NBA All-Star Game in Dallas. We had an absolute blast!!!!

We had lots of people visit this year including my sister, brother-in-law and nieces, my parents, Matt's dad, Matt's brother, our friends Dusty and Renee and probably some others I'm forgetting about!

One of the big things we did this year was move into our house! Granted, we're just renting but a house nonetheless. And to go along with the house, we finally got to move the dogs in!! Buster decided to christen the carpet.

We also made a visit to see Matt's family in California. We enjoyed lots of good food, good wines, and lots of family. It was a nice relaxing vacation.

We took a trip to Kansas in August and enjoyed seeing friends and family. The dogs also celebrated their first birthday! I can't believe how big they've gotten! We then visited Cuchara Colorado and saw our friends Sasha and Mike. We were worried about the bears, but never saw one!

October marked our one year wedding anniversary and my surprise party. The day after our one year anniversary is the day I found out I was pregnant!

Overall- this marks one very exciting year! 2010 had a lot of great changes for us, but we can't wait for 2011!!

Here are some of the pictures from this year: