
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ahhh, SNOW! (I'm serious!)

Now that I finally get a break from the two crazies otherwise known as Buster and Bella, I figured I'd start a blog post catching everybody up on what's been new with the family since my last post.
As I mentioned in my first blog, my life isn't all that exciting. It can be, but it's usually not and some days are definitely more exciting than others.
Like today for instance, I woke up this morning to take the dogs out at a lovely 6:00a.m. (Thank you, Buster), and found rain so I let them out to do their business and let them back in. I got erady for work and then let them back out and to my surprise found a surprising white snow falling. I couldn't open the door fast enough to let Buster and Bella outside. They LOVE snow! They ran around in it, tackled eachother in it, slid across the porch in it, and then laid down in it. Even from when they were little puppies, we couldn't stop them from playing in the snow. It might be one of their favorite things to do, which is completely opposite of what I love to do, a.k.a. stay inside and be warm and dry.
Important fact that I'm quite proud of: All boxes are unpacked!!! Iin reality, it really didn't take us that long mostly because I got so upset everytime I saw a freakin' box so we cleared them out pretty quickly. Plus it helps that we have curbside pickup recyling so we're going to get them all out of the garage next week which I'm pretty excited about.
And now in other news, we desperately would like friends and family to come visit. Not like we're bored, especially with the two adorable little ones around, but we miss people. A lot. In fact, I find myself wishing we had more friends here, but then realize I would love all of my KS friends more. Weird.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I've learned so far about dog training...

Now that I've officially been a puppy trainer for a solid four days now, I figured I'd write a blog about what I've learned so far.

1) Don't leave ANYTHING in reaching distance, and I mean ANYTHING! I explained to Matt about 2000 times that he can't leave any shoes or slippers on the floor. And everytime he does, one of the puppies grabs one and drags it outside. And then Matt can't figure out what happened to it. If either of them can reach it- it will be grabbed and probably chewed by one of them.

2) Even if you don't think t hey can get to it, they can! We keep towels by the back door so when they come in from outside we can wipe off their feet. We put them in the very middle of the table, but they still manage to grab the end and pull it off the table. It's pretty ridiculous.

3) If you leave them alone for too long, they will pee. Matt decided to leave them inside for two hours without going outside...and they peed! We thought we had done so well with potty training (only one accident) and then I came home for lunch and they had both done it in the living room.

4) Don't wear socks anywhere near the water bowl. Anytime they take a drink, they slobber water EVERYWHERE they go for a solid five minutes. It doesn't matter how much water they drank, it's everywhere. Everytime it happens, my socks get soaked and I get mad, even though it's not their fault at all.

5) They HATE their kennels. Bella is getting better about going in because she knows its bedtime, but no matter when they go in, Buster DESPISES the kennel. He absolutely hates it. We are close to figuring out a different way for them to sleep, but for now he needs to suck it up.

6) They are exactly like babies. Basically they drool, whine, bark, and need constant attention. Just like a baby or a toddler, the second you turn your head they are into something and will probably make you upset. It doesn't matter how long you leave them unsupervised, they will get into something you don't want them in. It's only a matter of time.

7) They really LOVE other dogs. Well, maybe love isn't exactly the word. We took them on a walk around the neighborhood and they had to bark at every dog. I think it might be because they were fenced that drove our dogs crazy, but either way, I can finally feed my hands and fingers again.

8) Bones don't always work. It took our dogs almost a full three days to figure out to chew a bone. They didn't get it until another dog came over and finished it off that they finally understood. Surprising.

9) Toys are only somewhat necessary. Basically we bought both dogs a chewy red bone as a toy. They haven't touched either of them! It's almost like they're scared of them, but they just want to hide them in the yard.

10) Learning come is easy, off, not so much. We taught both dogs to come in like four hours. They still can't get the "off" command. They both love to jump on everything. As annoying as it is, no matter how many times I push them off, they just don't learn. I'll have to try harder.

There are ten things I've learned so far about training. Even though it's a constant learning process both for us, and for Buster and Bella. In their defense, considering they've only spent five days in a house, they are doing super well. I just hope no more accidents are in our future. Happy Reading! If anybody is reading...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Puppies and Packing!

So we finally did it! After planning for what seemed like years, we moved all of our stuff across town into an adorable little green house. It's three bedroom/two bathroom and has TONS of space. I mean, the master bedroom and backyard are gigantic!

And to make things even more exciting we moved the puppies in on Saturday evening. We had one tiny accident so far, but generally they are learning extremly fast. Buster is our calm one. He would rather lay around and bask in the sun then do anything else. Bella is completely opposite. She would much rather run around and jump on people then lay down for just one second. It's so hard to believe that they are brother and sister because they are so different. But if you forget they're related sit back and watch as they wrestle and fight each other in what seems like some kind of awesome sibling deathmatch. I'll post some pictures on here later!

We spent all day yesterday unpacking what seems like a trillion boxes and putting stuff together. It's kind of amazing how much stuff we have. It didn't seem like we had any of this at the old place, mostly because it was much smaller. Our old place is disgustingly dirty now that it's empty and I am totally dreading having to go back to clean it so we can get a deposit back. Oh the joys of renting.

We had some friends over last night to check out the new place and received a really good response on it. I'm glad everybody likes it so much, especially considering it's green with blue carpet. Honestly, the blue carpet used to bug me, but it's really growing on me now. I'll take some pictures and post those later too so you can all see the house! One of the major perks of this house is that it has a two car garage! I've wanted a garage since I started driving, mostly because I HATE cleaning snow and ice off of my car. And being from Kansas, I got quite good at it. Just because I'm used to it, doesn't mean I like it. In fact, my ideal winter snowfall would be somewhere between 5-10 inches for the entire winter. Having to get up 15 minutes earlier just to clean off my car seems ridiculous to me. Not to mention that because we don't get much snow here in the valley of CO, when it does snow, even an inch or two, people drive 5 mph thinking they'll crash. I guess sometimes it pays to be from Kansas.

We had a blast with our friends last night, as did the dogs. Our friends Kati and Joel have an older dog named Marley who is the most hilarious dog to watch. They also have the brother dog of our two and watching them play is hilarious. Our three are the only ones left in the litter so it's nice that they know each other. Funniest story from last night: So we bought our dogs a couple of nice big dog bones, but they haven't chewed on them at all. They put them in their mouths and then just kind of run around with them, which is really funny but not at all helpful. So Marley comes over and steals both bones, plus a ball that was in the yard. He goes over to the corner of the yard and lays down with the bones and ball near him. Everytime one of the puppies came near he would let out a ferocious bark and the puppies would run away. It was hilarious. Matt started calling him "The Godfather."

I'll write more later, and hopefully post some pictures!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First Post!

Well, I finally got suckered into the hysteria which is blogging. I used to have one a while ago, but I kept running out of interesting things to write about. My life isn't any more exciting now, but I hopefully won't run out of things to discuss.

Since my last blog I have moved to Colorado, got married, got a house, and gained two very hyper, adorable puppies. For those of you who don't know me- I was born and raised in Kansas and graduated from the University of Kansas in December 2008. I got engaged that month also and was tired of doing long distance with my now-husband Matt. So I convinced my parents to help move me to the beautiful state of Colorado. I finally found a job that I like and am busy making commissions selling the addiction we call cable television.
Matt and I took the plunge and got married in my Kansas hometown in October of last year. As a wedding present our friends gave us a black labrador puppy that I named Buster. Nobody wanted his sister and I felt bad, so we asked them for the female too that I named Bella. Not great timing for a blog, but we're actually moving into a house this weekend.
Marriage has been an interesting, yet amazing change in our lives. So within a year I went from a dating Kansan college student to a happily married Colorado resident. The change from college student to wife has been a fabulous one. Less homework and papers, more cleaning and cooking. But I love it.

I will try to keep up with this blog since I actually have friends reading it now. Happy reading!