Anyways, so we were going to go buy a new movie today until we remembered we still have some movies in our cabinet that we haven't watched. So we decided on "Everybody's Fine." It includes movie badass Robert DeNiro, as well as Drew Barrymore, Sam Rockwell, and Kate Beckinsale.
The whole premise of the movie is that the father (deniro) is all on his own after his wife died and is having all four of his children come visit from all over the country. All of them end up bailing on him and he decides that instead he'll go visit all of them.
I'll try not to give too much anyway, but he ends up visiting them all and realizes they've all been hiding tons of secrets from him. His wife was the one that talked to the children and she would listen to all of their issues, but never told him about any of them.
There's a scene towards the end where he decides to fly from Vegas to home after visiting his daughter Rosie (Barrymore) and ends up having a heart attack. During this scene you find out all of the secrets his kids have been hiding from him which seems to make the whole movie make way more sense.
As a whole this movie was alright, definitely not great. DeNiro, as usual, did a heck of a job with this role. For the most part- this movie was insanely sad. I still can't believe it came out around Christmastime. I get the whole coming together as a family during the holidays thing, but this movie was just plain depressing. It made me want to call my dad and tell him how much I love him. It also made me want to go home for Christmas that much more. If you're a sap at all though, I wouldn't recommend this movie. If you're anything like me, you'll spend most of the movie crying and feeling awful that you aren't more honest with your family.

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