The only exciting piece of news I have to share is...I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL!!! Finally KU decided to send in my transcript and I was accepted into Baker University's MBA program! I'm pretty excited, yet nervous to begin school again. But I know it will bring bigger and better things for our future. On a related note I had to fill out the FAFSA today on my own. I kind of had a feeling I'd have some issues and I did so I called the only person I knew could help, my daddy. I'm not sure what I would do without him on days like today. I'll be sure to write a fabulous father's day post before I leave for CA on Saturday. I'll write another longer post later on when I'm not so exhausted. But for now...PUPPY PHOTOS!!

Bella absolutely loves to sleep underneath things. Here she is underneath the coffee table. She also really loves being underneath the kitchen table and end tables. She's quite the strange one!

Yeah, so they're pretty freakin' cute!
That coffee table picture is a-dor-a-ble. Also, that pic at the top of the blog isn't you...was confused me for a second. :)