David turned three months old yesterday and is growing like crazy. I'm 99% sure he went through a growth spurt this week because he has been eating like crazy! He is also really loving daycare. When I bring him in the door he looks around at all the colors and starts smiling. He also has a girlfriend at daycare! He's pretty young but apparently already a charmer! Him and his girlfriend Juliet enjoy laying on the floor next to each other and smiling. So CUTE!
He has also learned to roll from his back to his stomach. The girls at daycare were the first ones to tell me and I thought they were lying. Later in the week I had him on the floor while I was cleaning and saw him rolling from his back to his stomach. Matt and I were in shock! He is also much more animated. He is now laughing and smiling all over the place. He also enjoys playing with his toys. He is finally old enough to play with them instead of looking at them with complete confusion.
We got David's three month photos taken on Tuesday and I am supposed to get them back on Tuesday. I can't wait to see them! He did really well until the end. We were getting ready to leave and I was carrying him. He managed to spit up all over her wood floor! I felt so bad! We did some naked pictures so I was surprised he didn't pee, but he decided spit up was more appropriate.
The crazy thing about David being three months old is that I've been back at work for one full month. I'm finally getting into a groove and start my new 7:30-4:30 schedule tomorrow. I'm actually pretty excited to go to work earlier (since I'm up at 6 anyway!) and come home a little bit earlier. It took me longer than I thought it would to get used to being away from David, but since I know he loves daycare it doesn't bother me anymore. Matt is working like crazy now that school is back in session, but he gets to babysit David during the day. David gets equal time with Matt and I and then some time at daycare. It's really nice that we both get time with him.
We spent the weekend (especially yesterday!) inside with Buster, Bella and David. It rained pretty much all week so the backyard is a mess! David was asleep in his swing and I was cuddling with Buster and Bella on the floor. It was this moment that I realized how much I love my new life. Life before was great with just the four of us, but having David here makes life so much more enjoyable. And now for the cutest picture you've ever seen. Yes, it really is that cute.

It's been quite chilly here recently, especially yesterday with the rain. We bought him this adorable bear hat! It also has matching mittens.
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