David is just over seven weeks old at this point and growing like a weed!! He has securely moved into size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. He's eating like crazy, but that's no surprise! He had an extremely cranky week last week which our friend, nurse Jeana, told us it was probably a growth spurt. He ate tons and slept a lot, but the times he was awake he was a mess! Poor kid just couldn't catch a break! In other news, I go back to work next Tuesday. I've already had a couple of crying episodes because I just don't want to leave my darling boy! I'm pretty depressed, but know I have to in order to pay bills and ultimately give us a better life.
Parenthood is definitely becoming more normal for us now. I feel like I'm feeding all day, but ultimately love being a mom. I have learned so much already this last 1.5 months. First- babies can and will cry when they are tired. Who knew? Secondly- on most days I would much rather sleep and give up some sleep time. Third- Dirty diapers can and most likely will occur every hour.
The most important thing parenthood has taught me is that friends can't always be friends. Our lives have changed so much since college. We got married, moved away and are now starting a family with David and the dogs. I've began to realize that some people just can't handle it. It's unfortunate that having a baby is what changes your life and your friendships, but I guess it's a good thing to figure out who your real friends are earlier rather than later. It does make me extremely happy to have the friends and family that I have though. Just need to learn not to take my true friends for granted and ignore those that aren't going to support me.
I'll end with some pics of the little guy!
And finally a Happy 21st Birthday to my little brother!!!!! Happy Birthday Patrick!!

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