
Saturday, June 11, 2011

News!!! :)

I do have some actual news for this blog. I am officially 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant, which basically means I have a huge, 30 lb. basketball under my shirt and my entire body hurts. I really didn't start getting uncomfortable until just a couple of weeks ago, but now I'm over being pregnant. My hips hurt, my feet hurt, my sides hurt, my back hurts and quite frankly I'm exhausted. I haven't been able to sleep, partially because of the extra weight and partially because of having to go to the bathroom every five minutes. I now understand why women at the end of their pregnancies are so grumpy!

I went to the doctor on Thursday and told her how I've been feeling and she asked if I wanted to set an induction date. I'm pretty scared of inductions because I've heard tons of bad stories, but quite frankly I can't be pregnant for much longer. I'm working up to the point of contractions and it definitely hasn't been easy. I am almost 2 cm dialated and about 70% effaced (out of 100%) so I'm definitely making progress. I just know he won't show up on time to be stubborn! Cute little thing! So I went ahead and set an induction date for next week. If he decides not to show up on his own we will be headed to the hospital Wednesday night to start the process and should have a baby by Friday at the latest. Like I said, I'm not thrilled by the idea of being induced, but I can't be this uncomfortable for much longer so I'm hoping he shows up on his own before Wednesday night. It is weird to have a date though, like it all becomes much more real. By this time next week we'll be parents and David will be here. The whole pregnancy went super fast, but I'm excited for him to finally be here!!

In other news:

GO MAVS!!! :)

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