My mom and I weren't really all that close when I was in high school, mostly because of my teenage attitude. Like most teenage girls, you start to hate your mom because she "doesn't understand" or some garbage like that. After I graduated high school I learned that my mom is pretty fantastic. One, she has raised SEVEN kids. Seven kids is completely unheard of today for many reasons, but mostly because I don't think every set of parents could handle it. Considering she raised seven kids, three of them being "teenage" girls, she did a pretty darn good job. My mom was always there for me, even when I claimed to dislike her and looking back on it, I was pretty hard on her. Everybody think that their mom is the best, but my mom has got be up there. She's a strong, hard-working, amazing woman who has taught me everything I need to know about being a great mom.

This was "technically" my first mother's day. Even though David isn't really here yet, everybody told me that this still counts as me being a mother. I totally agree. I mean, I've had to take care of him for almost eight months so that has to count!! Matt was super sweet and got me a few Mother's day presents. He bought me Black Swan, which we watched together in theaters and totally loved and The King's Speech, which I haven't seen but have mentioned about a billion times. Any kind of decent historical movie always interests me a little and the fact that Colin Firth is in it really entices me. Buster and Bella also got me a gift. They bought me "The Warblers" CD from Glee. I am absolutely in love with the guy who plays Blaine and his voice literally makes me weak in the knees. The sweetest and best thing I got was the card, yes the card. Matt traced Buster and Bella's pawprints into the card and wrote "Thanks for taking care of us, Love Buster and Bella." It was by far the cutest thing I've ever seen. Overall- a great first mother's day and next year's will be even better because David will actually be here!!
In other news- we've spent all weekend taking care of poor, poor Bella. We went on a walk yesterday because it's been GORGEOUS here this weekend and we were almost done when she started limping. I figured she had a sticker in her foot so I picked up her paw to look and noticed her foot was bleeding. She must have got her nail stuck on something and it snagged so her nail split. She wasn't putting ANY pressure on it so you know it had to hurt. Matt ended up having to carry her across a field to put her in the car and we brought her to the vet. The vet said we could have yanked out the nail ourselves, but quite frankly we were nervous about causing more issues. The vet pulled out the nail, gave her some pain medication, and wrapped her foot in a cute bandage. I spent all day yesterday making her rest by me and make sure she didn't bite off the bandage. Granted she bit it off overnight anyways, but at least she kept it on for 18 hours or so. She spent most of yesterday limping around on three paws and as cute as it looked made me extremely sad. I hate seeing her in so much pain. Today she put quite a bit more pressure on it and was actually attempting to walk on it so it must be getting a little better. She still limps around a little, but it looks like it's getting better. Poor Bella!

Notice the blue bandage on her paw!!
In other news- we put up some decor in the baby room today so I need to post some photos. I'll try to get some up for next week's blog!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
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