My sisters and mom threw the first shower on Saturday. We played a couple of games, including the one where you melt candybars in diapers and then you guess which ones they are, and opened presents. The candybar game was a blast, even though I wasn't nearly as good at guessing candy as I thought!! I also got some pretty fantastic presents, but I really enjoyed seeing my family.
Here I am enjoying the cake and punch. Look at how adorable that punch is!
I love this picture. It looks like my mom and aunt are super confused!
We traveled to Lawrence on Sunday where some of our good friends threw us a co-ed baby shower. We enjoyed TONS of amazing food and opened up some more adorable presents! It was great to see all of our best friends, just wish our visit had lasted longer. We have some amazing friends and it's sad that we can't see them more often!
Here are a few pictures from the second shower!
I'm also into my third trimester. I can not believe how fast time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now I'm 11 weeks from being done! We are both anxious for David to make his appearance! Matt's dad and brother came into town this weekend and helped us move some stuff around. We moved the guestroom into the front office and started on David's room. Matt and his dad assembled the crib while Matt's brother assembled the rocker. They also helped us put together the car seat and stroller. Now all we need is a changing table/dresser and some decorations on the wall and we'll almost be ready for him!
I'll post some pictures on the next blog of where we're at with the room so far! Look forward to those!
Valentino's buffet in Seneca= Awesome! Glad you had such a great visit!