We were commenting on how fast this year has gone and after thinking about it, it feels like this year just flew by!! Here is a recap of the fantastic year we had!
I turned 23 and started grad school. As most of you know, it's going much better than I ever anticipated!
Matt turned 24 in February and we went on our honeymoon to the NBA All-Star Game in Dallas. We had an absolute blast!!!!
We had lots of people visit this year including my sister, brother-in-law and nieces, my parents, Matt's dad, Matt's brother, our friends Dusty and Renee and probably some others I'm forgetting about!
One of the big things we did this year was move into our house! Granted, we're just renting but a house nonetheless. And to go along with the house, we finally got to move the dogs in!! Buster decided to christen the carpet.
We also made a visit to see Matt's family in California. We enjoyed lots of good food, good wines, and lots of family. It was a nice relaxing vacation.
We took a trip to Kansas in August and enjoyed seeing friends and family. The dogs also celebrated their first birthday! I can't believe how big they've gotten! We then visited Cuchara Colorado and saw our friends Sasha and Mike. We were worried about the bears, but never saw one!
October marked our one year wedding anniversary and my surprise party. The day after our one year anniversary is the day I found out I was pregnant!
Overall- this marks one very exciting year! 2010 had a lot of great changes for us, but we can't wait for 2011!!
Here are some of the pictures from this year:

Happy New Year!! Hope we can do another Cuchara trip!!