
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Due Date Change and Vacay!

Some of you may have wondered why I changed the pregnancy ticker on the top of my blog. Well...they changed my due date...AGAIN. Here's the story- based on my LMP (you don't want to know) they figured my due date as June 14th, which was what I was going with. I went and got my ultrasound and pushed me back a week because the baby was smaller than it was supposed to be at the point I was supposedly at. Most of my friends told me to go with my ultrasound due date of June 20th because it's usually more accurate. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he decided to keep me on my first due date, so now I'm due on June 14th again.

I'm officially 15 weeks today and am beginning to feel a tad bit better. I still think food sounds disgusting and am having lots of nausea at night, but my nurse friend and fellow pregnant lady Jeana told me that my hormones must be spiking at night instead of the morning. Hormones cause the ickiness and since most women have this in the morning...they have MORNING sickness. But me...I have night sickness. Ick. I've been working on my baby registry and it's so much fun picking out cute stuff for the baby. We'll find out the sex of our little one at our January 18th appointment. I'll be sure to keep you all posted! I can't wait to find out so I can start calling our panda "he" or "she" instead of "it." Plus, I want to pick out some cute clothes :)

On to some non-baby news. As some of you know we were going to make the 13 hour drive to Kansas next week for Christmas to visit my family. Because of about 10 different factors we decided not to make the trip this time of year. Driving over the mountains is terrible anyway, but especially this time of year. Plus, we weren't in the mood to take the dogs with us and drive the entire family crazy! The plan is to travel to Kansas sometime in the 3rd week of March so mark your calendars!

Oh and if you're wondering what we're doing with our days off...NOTHING. We've decided to keep our previous days off and spend some time together. Matt has been working like a madman lately and I need a break from work so we'll be spending our lovely five day weekend doing nothing but relaxing, watching movies, and spending time with the dogs. Needless to say, I'm actually pretty excited about doing nothing. I may catch up on some homework in there since I have the next two weeks off, but spending time with my husband and dogs sounds fantastic :)

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