Let me start by apologizing for my lack of blog posts. I've been feeling super stressed lately with the last paper I wrote for class and now that it's over I might finally have some free time!
To catch things up: I'm in week 4 of my second MBA class. I've written two papers regarding management and had a hard time with both of them. Although I thought it stunk my paper on the Verizon mission statement got me an A+ and great reviews from my professor. Not going to lie: it was a HUGE confidence booster!
In puppy news: Buster and Bella have learned how to get underneath the porch (boo!) so we spent a few hours moving stuff around so they couldn't. I don't think we would mind as much if it wasn't DISGUSTING underneath our porch. We've been weaning Buster off of his kennel at bedtime and he's done pretty well. The hardest part is that he loves to jump on the bed at 3 or 4 in the morning, which we hate. I think he's pretty smart though because he chooses a time he KNOWS I'm too tired to put him back to bed so I leave him on the bed. Silly boy!
Other than that we just got back from a weekend getaway in Kansas. We spent a majority of the weekend in the Kansas City/Lawrence area seeing as many friends and family members as we could! It was a super long 15 hour drive, but the puppies did fabulously well! They spent the first five or so hours trying to figure out what we were doing, then relaxed and slept most of the way!
Thursday night we got lunch with my best friend Brenna and boyfriend Drew. We spent Friday in Lawrence getting delicious burgers from "The Burger Stand" in downtown Lawrence. Then I took Brenna to get her first pedicure. This hour pedicure and gossip made me realize how much I miss my girl time with Brenna. She's one of my best friends and I have such a blast when we hang out.
We went out to dinner with our friends Megan and Dusty. We drank some margaritas, ate some delicious food, and visited about life. I forgot how much I missed spending time with them. We spent Friday night at my favorite bar in Lawrence, the Sandbar, and was glad to see that nothing has changed. After witnessing a Hurricane (google it!) and slugging down a couple of Shark Attacks I remember what I love about that bar.
Saturday was our day with the least amount of activites planned. We visited my brother, sister-in-law, and nieces in Lenexa because my brother just got his gallbladder removed (ouch!) and weren't sure if we'd be seeing them at the family reunion on Sunday. After playing UNO and Mancala with my nieces we headed back to Brad's place where I took a much needed NAP!
Saturday night was a BLAST! Our friend Sasha had an awesome house-warming party and we ended up taking a FREE suburban to a nearby bar. After drinking too much we headed back home where I woke up with a killer headache, ick.
We headed to Seneca on Sunday for a family reunion. It was SUPER hot and humid, which I definitley don't miss about Kansas. We got to visit with my favorite aunts, uncles, and cousins and got to wish my favorite and ONLY! little brother a happy 20th birthday! It's still scary to think that he's 20! We then went back to my parents house where I finished my paper and was taken out to dinner by my parents.
Overall, the trip was a great success. Made me realize how much I miss Kansas, but know that things will work out the way they are supposed to. Thanks family and friends for the FABULOUS weekend! Miss and love you all!
And because the blog needs some excitement, here are some fun photos!
Aaron, Erin, Matt, and I enjoying our time at Saints!
Matt and I
The crew!
Buster fell asleep on my shoulder
Buster climbed into the taken apart kennel and Bella decided to climb in too. Then she fell asleep on him.
Hey! I love this new look for the blog! And I loved reading about your weekend! We need to hit up that suburban again! hahaha. See you soon!!