back to school, cleaning, kansas, graduations, and more puppy fun
I'm turning into quite the blogspot slacker, not that I'm surprised. I have a few bits of news, but mostly just observations of life recently.
First big news...I'm going back to school!!! I've always wanted to go back to school, but now it's going to be official. For those of you who know me, I have a BA in history from KU, but was always planning on going to law school. Well now that I've had almost two full years away from school I've decided that law school isn't in my future. I've doing some searching and found a great online program through Baker University in Baldwin City, KS. I'm going to start the application process soon and am going after my masters degree in business administration with a marketing concentration! I'm excited to get back into things, but also a little nervous. It has been a full 1.5 years since I've done the school thing so I'm nervous about how I'll handle it. The great thing about this program is that instead of a full 18 credit hour schedule for a whole semester it's one class at a time. One class for 5 weeks, then another, then another and they automatically enroll me in the next one. Basically I'll know exactly which class I'm taking that week and I log in to the system every week and turn in papers, assignments, etc. I am very excited at a chance for a masters degree and hopefully a newer, bigger, and better job after that!!! Everybody has been super supportive so far, including my parents, Matt's parents, Matt, friends, and family. Hopefully with that many people behind me, I'll be able to put my full focus into it. Wish me luck! I probably won't start until August so we can get our vacations out of the way without me being distracted!
Happy graduation to a few of my best friends. To my cousin and one of my best friends, Stephen, my best friend and maid of honor, Brenna, and both mine and Matt's old roommate Aaron. Happy GRADUATION!! CONGRATULATIONS! You all deserve so much in life. On a similar tangent, how sad is it that after this year all of my good friends will be done at my alma mater? I don't have a day where I don't miss my days at KU so it's sad that my friends days are numbered there also. Graduation is such a joyous occasion, but when I think back to all of the memories and friends of my college days I do tend to get a little mopey. I miss so many things about KU; friends, campus, Mass. st., the Sandbar, awesome history professors, all of the buildings, being an ambassador, and so many more. College is truly the best time of your life, but it usually takes you a while to realize it.
On a nice little addition to the KU paragraph, Matt and I might be going back to visit! I've been really missing friends there lately so when I brought up the idea of going back in August, Matt seemed interested. It's also the same weekend as a family reunion so we'll get to see a lot of friends and family. We'll see if we decided on it officially, but it's definitely becoming more and more of a possibility!!!
I don't have any fun puppy news really, except for the fact that they are still super adorable and becoming fairly well-behaved. We had friends over on Sunday night and they still couldn't resist jumping on people for attention, but they are still puppies so nobody really seems to mind. They seem to have mastered the art of "sitting" but we're still working on it. Another improvement is in the kennel area. Buster and Bella both HATE their kennels, and for good reason. Well lately we've been reinforcing them getting in their kennels by themselves and they are getting better at it. If we go back there at night Buster goes straight in his kennel because he knows it's time for bed. Bella usually takes some coaxing, but she goes in eventually. Bella will go into the kennel when she's tired though, so they are progressively getting better. All I have to do is pat the kennel and Buster goes in so that's definitely better than dragging him in. On another note, they are growing so fast that I almost don't notice. It's harder to notice now that they are with us everyday. When we saw them once a week it was easy to see the difference, but lately their have been signs. Buster is getting longer and his tail is growing longer also.
Anyways, that's a good catch up on our lives so far. We've having a housewarming BBQ this weekend. I don't think many people are coming, but that just means we'll have more booze for us! lol. Happy reading!