It has been a crazy month, but I'm still in awe at how fast it went. We've gone through lots of changes in the last month, but we're finally setting into a groove. As many of you know David went from 9 lbs 14 oz at birth to 9 lbs 1 oz at the first dr. appt. He then stayed at 9 lbs 3 oz for two weeks so I had to switch to pumping and feeding. It has been an adjustment, but it makes me feel much better knowing he's eating what he needs. Well from the Thursday I switched to the Saturday weight check he gained 4 oz, which I found amazing! We had his one month checkup on Tuesday and he went all the way to 10 lb 15 oz!!! Apparently pumping and feeding is going well!! He is also up to about 22 inches long so he has gained about an inch since birth. The doctor did tell us he has an "above average" sized head, lol. I'm not surprised though because I always kind of thought his head was a little oversized, but it's so adorable I don't care!!
New developments: he has gained quite a bit of head control and has started smiling! He now does the "full face" smiles, which I absolutely love. He's also more alert now. I enjoyed all the sleep in the beginning, but it is nice that he now focuses on me and follows me.
I've had quite a few people ask me about how the dogs are doing with David. And quite frankly, they're doing great! They are super protective now, which I think is quite endearing. They like to lick his toes, but David isn't sure how to react to that yet. When they get close to his face though he gets really wide eyes. I think he's finally getting used to his brother and sister!
In other news: grandma and grandpa Strathman came to visit! They had a great time snuggling and holding David and I'm sure David loved it too! They also brought him his new favorite thing: his swing! We didn't buy one at first because we wanted to give the vibrating bounce chair a try first. He does enjoy his bouncy chair, but he LOVES LOVES his swing!! If he's even a little bit tired we put him in the swing and he's OUT! Like now for example. I fed him and he started yawning so I put him in the swing. He fussed a bit because of a wet diaper, but eventually fell asleep. And what am I doing instead of sleeping?
His uncle Eric, Aunt Tricia, and cousins came to visit also! They went on vacation in Los Angeles and came by here on their way back to Kansas. The girls absolutely loved him!
Now here are some new pictures of the little guy...ENJOY! :)