One, I'm 22 weeks along in my pregnancy, with the 23rd week starting on Tuesday. I also get to see the doctor again and have about a billion questions. I'm starting to get much bigger and it's much easier to tell I'm pregnant now instead of just "chubby," which is how I felt before.
Two, Matt has been working like a madman. Not like that is anything different than usual. He's been working from home on Saturday's covering basketball games and wrestling. Luckily, he's been getting tons of good comments, which I think just proves he's doing a good job. He also turned 25 last week. I've been telling him how weird it is that he's in his mid-20's, but in reality, it's not such a big deal.
Third, the dogs are crazy! They've been doing some extremely cute, and sometimes annoying things lately. It's been crazy cold here so for a while, Bella was just refusing to go outside. We'd open the back door, let Buster run out and Bella would run away. She's getting better now that it's in the 50's, but still funny. They've also been doing some funny things in the snow. Today we came back from our walk and let them play in the front yard. Our house faces north so all of the snow that drifted up there that we were too lazy to shovel is still up there. They both laid in it for a while, then Buster would slide around in it and start rolling. Oh, the days I wish I had my camera! We've also learned that Bella loves to watch TV. Her favorites are sports, Conan, and Dancing with the Stars. She turns her head while watching so I'm pretty sure she's paying attention.
I officially made it through my human resource class and started Managerial Finance this week. I'm a big nervous for the 7-8 page paper I have due next Sunday, but I'm hoping to finish group homework today so I can dedicate the rest of my week to it. We also had some family in town for the last few days, which was a nice break. Matt's mom, uncle, and cousin came to visit and we had fun hanging out and relaxing. His mom also bought the cutest ever Derrick Rose onesie for the baby. It's officially the first piece of baby clothing for David, since I have yet to buy any. Other than that, we're looking forward to going back to Kansas next month and I'm trying to survive school while fitting in everything else I want to accomplish. I'm willing to bet that will be a problem for quite a while. :)
Now for some cute pictures.

Bella watching TV.

Bella's new favorite place to sleep.

The adorable Derrick Rose onesie
My growing baby bump at 21 weeks. Normally I'm against this type of photo, but I think it's important to show how big I look already.

Buster's favorite way to sleep- on his back, while rolling around and growling